Waiting for Wisdom
This Saturday, July 31 is the Wildflower Festival at Kirkwood. You’ve heard me rave about it before. This is the only outdoor show we do and we have a blast!
• Music
• Wine and Beer tasting
• Guided Hikes
• Ride the chair lift
and of course, lots of art! Including my newest images of an owl nest that you won’t want to miss. And more large cloth panels to delight your visual senses.
NOON to 5 PM Kirkwood California
See you there!
More good news!
I’m heading up a Wildlife Photography Workshop in the Grand Tetons this fall. (see side bar)
I’ll be the workshop leader for Nikonians Academy and look forward to many new adventures. Hope you’ll join in.
Our MarchTour to Costa Rica is reserved for photographers though Nikonians and we are in the planning stages for Africa next May.
The two tours to Costa Rica in February still have seats available so let us know if you are interested.